Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Dear Family, I wanted to express my deepest sympathy and concern for you and also share with you that fulfillment of Bible prophecies shows that we are living in the ”last days.” (2Timothy 3:1-5); (Matthew 24: 1-14) Although as a result, things are very bad all over the globe, it also means that very soon, the Sovereign of the Universe, Jehovah God, will intervene in human’s affairs to wipe out wickedness once and for all along with all the problems we face today, which include death. (Psalms 37: 9-11); (John 5: 28 and 29); (Revelation 21: 3 and 4) We can have confidence in these astounding promises because Jesus, who has been appointed by God to soon rule or govern the entire earth as King of God’s Heavenly Kingdom or Government, demonstrated that bringing the dead back to life is guaranteed when he resurrected many including his friend Lazarus when he was on earth. (Daniel 2:44); (Daniel 7: 13. 14); (Isaiah 9:6, 7); (John 11). So as you await the fulfillment of the resurrection promise along with the countless of blessings God’s Kingdom will pour on earth to make it a paradise where righteous ones will live forever and enjoy with their resurrected loved ones, please take in accurate knowledge, which Jesus said means everlasting life, by studying the Bible for FREE with the Jehovah’s Witnesses (John 17:3); (John 5:39) May you be comforted by the cited Scriptures, which give us hope for a brighter future in God's upcoming new world!